Thank You Landowners


The Kingdom Trail network exists on 100 private landowners property.  It is because of our landowners and their generosity that our community and trails are one of the greatest destinations in North America. Nowhere else are there 90+ continuous landowners with the foresight to make this network what it is today. We will be forever grateful to them for allowing us to manage, maintain, and build trails on their beautiful property. Our landowners play a key role in vitalizing our region, providing a quality experience, and a healthy outlet for local residents and visitors.

To support our landowners they receive a certificate of liability insurance through Kingdom Trails, naming them as additionally insured. As well as protection by Vermont State Statute that safeguards private landowners allowing public access to private land for recreational uses. These mandates are Title 12 V.S.A. Chapter 203 § 5791-5 and Title 10 V.S.A. Chapter 20 §448.

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